Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies

Bath Fizzies

Regular price $5.99 now $3.99

These fantastic fizzing orbs are sure to turn any bathtub into a delightful scent  experience

Yay for Eco Packaging! We've tried and tried and tried to make these with an eco packaging, but they are shrink-wrapped in plastic. When we've tried to leave them open, the scent dissipates within days :( We're still working on it!

Ingredients You Can Pronounce:

Citrus Bliss: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Arrowroot Powder, Grapefruit EO, Sunflower Oil, Water, Orange EO, Annatto Powder, Yellow French Clay, Pink French Clay, Lemon EO, Key Lime EO, Isopropyl Alcohol*
*Used in manufacturing but little to none remains after evaporation
Cucumelon:Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Arrowroot Powder, Fragrance, Water, Sunflower Oil, Polysorbate 80, Blue Lake 1, Yellow Lake 5, Isopropyl Alcohol*
*Used in manufacturing but little to none remains after evaporation
Monkey Business
Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Arrowroot Powder, Fragrance, Water, Sunflower Oil, Polysorbate 80, Blue Lake 1, Yellow Lake 5, Isopropyl Alcohol*
*Used in manufacturing but little to none remains after evaporation
Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies
Bath Fizzies