
If readable ingredient labels and eco-friendly packaging are important to you, then you're in the right place. Welcome!
Farmgirl Forever's products all deliver on their promises. You can be sure that anything you order will actually do what it says it will. All of my products are tested on family, friends and - always - myself before introducing them to you. I'm confident that you'll enjoy testing out the products in your very own home as well.
The ingredients I use are specifically chosen for a variety of reasons. I do my best to keep up on best farming practices worldwide, to bring you ingredients that are ethically produced, fairly priced, and of highest quality. 
I started Farmgirl Forever in 2006, out of pure frustration. At the time, I was a massage therapist who felt as if I had tried every lotion known to man, only to have them all come up short of my expectations. So I set out to make my own. Predictably, I got distracted by all the other fun bath & body products I could make (including my Signature Lotion, one of our best sellers). Check out the entire Farmgirl story by clicking here
Pull up your laptop, phone or tablet & enjoy browsing around. Pick out a few things that are sure to be your new favorites, read the blog, or sign up for the Farmgirl Moos (bi-weekly newsletter). And once you've done all that, put your devices away, turn off the TV and go outside and enjoy nature. She's waiting on you. 
--Kristie, The Farm Girl